A child with soft toys to be donated

Help Fight Hunger with the Sheehy Fall Food Drive!

Help Others in Need by Donating Food with the Sheehy Fall Food Drive

No one wants to worry about where their next meal will come from. Currently, millions of Americans are experiencing food insecurity. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 crisis has intensified hunger among our communities, creating an alarming trend of individuals and families going without enough food at a rate not previously seen before. Now more than ever, these community members need your help. To help those struggling in the Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC areas, we aim to collect as much food as we can with our annual Sheehy Fall Food Drive.

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Sheehy Fall Food Drive Dates

Ready to make a difference in your community? The Sheehy Fall Food Drive will run from October 5, 2020 to October 29, 2020. All 29 Sheehy dealerships will be collecting canned and non-perishable foods to donate to local food banks and other non-profit community organizations for proper distribution. You can find the Sheehy store closest to you here.

Also, you won’t need to make an appointment to donate – every store will have donation boxes available for you to drop off any canned or non-perishable foods you are able to give. Together, we can help reduce the number of food-insecure individuals and increase the number of full stomachs. Every donation will help, small or large.

[ Sheehy Cares: Learn About Sheehy’s Involvement in Helping Our Local Communities ]

Food items for donation